For some time now, despite my general opinion that blending textures with photos is quickly becoming passé, I’ve been interested in blending textures with some of my mountain imagery. My goal is not to create an entirely new image apart from what occured naturally. On the contrary, I see my post-processing as a final step in expressing the mood and thoughtset that existed at the moment of capture.
So in the last few days I decided to pick in image from my library. The image I chose was from a backpacking trip in September 2004 to the Egypt Lake area of Banff National Park.
First I prepared the image in Adobe Lightroom by modifying contrast, saturation, and clarity, topped off by minor cropping. This is what was left:
Pyrrhic Breakthrough (Original)
Next I blended two textures from the wonderfully rich textures provided by ~Essense of a Dream~. After some initial tweaking, this is what I have:
Pyrrhic Breakthrough (Texturized)
It certainly changes the mood of the image, for better and for worse.
Even though I know that I’m not satisified with how the texturized image looks, I’m a big fan of separating myself from a creative project by waiting a few days to look at it again. I’ll go back to this idea in a few days.
so you say that your goal is “expressing the mood and thoughtset that existed at the moment of capture”. This must challenging I think coz
1. the image was probably taken day/months ago. Even if taken hours ago..
2… what mood would you associate with it if one is intent on capturing an image by being prepared for the unexpected.
Do share if you can, your internal process while shooting?
Its great to have this opportunity with you to discuss these topics..
Thanks for the comment, Sahana. You’ve raised two excellent points. I think they deserve a blog post of their own, which I have begun working on.